Friday, 14 June 2013

Back on patch!

I'll start by revealing what the 'lights' on the pics from the Italy Day 13 post. Yeah yeah, slightly late I know. The mystery species is Firefly!
I dragged myself out with the camera after work today; it's been frustrating not to be able to until now (ill, antibiotics etc etc). It was nice to see lots of young birds around including Chaffinch, Grey Wagtail and Song Thrush but the lack of Dipper activity was disappointing. The male Kingfisher is feeding the nest on his own (or so it appears) so it seems likely that the female is sitting on egg/young. I haven't heard of any young Kingfishers having reached the Axe so unfortunately the first brood has almost definitely failed. Hopefully this brood will be successful. All I managed pics of were Mallard and Pied Wagtail:

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