This last week has largely been pretty samey on patch with a few LRP, RP, Common Sand, Green Sand and Whimbrel etc. but yesterday saw the arrival of an adult female Marsh Harrier and early afternoon today saw a Sandwich Tern perch up on Black Hole Marsh. This is the 4th Sandwich Tern I've seen at BHM, but only the first that I've seen landed. Not a scarce bird by any means, but it was certainly the highlight of my week. Here's a few pics; they're distant but this was easily my best views of this species here:
There's an adult med gull in this pic too. Can you spot it? |
There's also a very friendly Robin near BHM; it's parent was offering to feed it but instead it avoided the adult bird and followed me whenever I moved... I imagine it's been hand-fed by someone and has become tame:
I popped back over to the marshes in the evening in case the rain had dropped anything else in but the only change of note was a significant increase in the number of Common Sands, with at least 30 birds visible from Tower Hide all at once! That's the most I've ever seen here at any one time. A fox strutted across the field next to Tower Hide also:
There's still a lot to put up here but I'll save it for the next posts!